Monday, December 31, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: Revisited

The other day I decided to watch the Dark Knight Rises for the first time since viewing it in the theatre,which was a life changing experience. I was prompted to watch it again by an article I read about the movie and an accompanying video by Screen Junkies called "Honest Trailers: The Dark Knight Rises. The article and video revealed major plot holes and pitfalls I failed to notice while watching the movie for the first time (I was too awestruck to even think about any of the unlikely happenings in the movie). So I plunged back into the Dark Knight Rises and attempted to find even more plot holes and really evaluate the movies every facet.

Wow, Holy Plot-holes Batman. I watched the whole movie with undivided attention and scrutinized every detail and guess what I found, a great movie whose greatness is built upon a foundation of plot holes. Almost every awesome happening and even some scenes of important plot development in the film are accompanied by at least one plot hole. Bane's whole master plan that takes 1 hour of the movie to develop is literally based on a single, gigantic, gaping plot hole akin to the Star Wars Sarlacc pit from Return of the Jedi. It gobbled up the whole first hour of the movie and put me in a state of limbo. The plot hole in question: How the hell does Bane know the location of the secret armory if the only two people in the world who do are Mr. Fox and Bruce Wayne and it is literally non existent to everyone else in the universe? Bane doesn't explain it and Batman never questions him about it,he just accepts it as providence or something, which Batman would never do. Ever. Never Ever. So their goes the first third of the movie.
You are the worlds greatest detective, act like it.

Additionally, Catwoman's motivation throughout the movie is to get this computer program called the clean slate, and near the end, Bruce Wayne somehow inexplicably reappears in Gotham and has the Clean Slate on one measly flash drive. He doesn't explain where he got it from and even asks Catwoman for help to get his batman stuff back by taking him to Lucius Fox, so using his batman equipment was not an option. Did he just carry that thing throughout his captivity? Was it in the bat cave  They could at least address the audience honestly on this. Oh, and then the program is never mentioned again in the whole movie, a program that is arguably the most sophisticated and illegal program ever to exist on earth. He gives it to Catwoman and its only use in the movie is to give some shed a small ray of light on why Catwoman wants the stupid program so badly. She wants it because she wants to start over fresh. Who would have been able to figure that out without the stupid clean slate. Everyone but Christopher Nolan really wanted to treat us all like insufferable fools I guess.

That brings me to my next point. This movie literally coddles you. It doesn't make you think and doesn't want you to. I thought the Dark Knight was very thought provoking and a great super hero movie at the same time, but it seemed like Nolan abandoned that for the last installment of his Batman Trilogy.

And what the hell is wrong with Batman's voice  he literally sounds more like a retarded man child dressed in costume than ever before. Its not even gritty any more, he just sounds stupid, like he can't breath or  has a constant sore throat. Fin.

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